Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I am currently on day 8 of one wretched mother of a headache. Since it hurts to read, be in the light, etc., I have found myself just thinking quite a bit. Not a bad thing really. Here are a few of the thoughts rummaging around in my head right now:

1. Kids are really loud. This is not helped by the fact that Woo's ears are all clogged up for some reason and so she can't hear well which makes her talk louder and forces me to talk louder to her and forces the television to be turned up excessively loud as well. Bother. I take her to the doctor in the morning. She has no other symptoms of anything else, but I'll probably find out she has double ear infections or something like that.

2. I need to do a better job of saying "yes" to my kids. I am the master of saying "no". I can say "no" to any thing at any time, with no problem whatsoever. This comes in handy, but it's not always a good thing.

3. I love the scriptures, but it turns out that listening to the scriptures can put me to sleep just as well as reading the scriptures, if not better.

4. I have a lot of goals for this year and I should probably write them down so that they stop swirling around in my head so much. It's kind of keeping me up at night. Maybe I'll blog about them sometime soon since I am sure you are all on pins and needles wondering what they are.

5. My girl has her very first orchestra concert tonight. I am excited to see her play her violin. She will be adorable.


Amber said...

Poor Woo. That's so annoying. I'm hoping for compacted wax. I had that before and it's hard to hear. So annoying!! Hopefully they just need to flush her ears out.
Sorry about your headache. That's way too long! Wish I could help...

Kurt Dehner said...

Wretched Mother?!?!? Obviously, the opposite of my sweet wife.