Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Vacation Day. . .whatever

Honestly, vacation week was kind of a blur because Doug and I spent every day working like crazy so by the time the evening rolled around when it was time to have fun with the kids, I was totally exhausted. I know that one of the nights my sister organized a family trip to the state fair and they were kind enough to take the kids, where they had the time of their lives, but since I wasn't there I don't have any pictures of that. Another night we took the kids fishing. The boys just love to fish. Woo likes it sometimes, but more because she doesn't like to be left out, not because she's just dying to catch a fish. I don't even remember what we did the other two nights, so obviously those weren't very memorable, although I'm sure we had a good time and I'm sure they involved ice cream. So, to finish up the vacation posts, here are some fishing pictures.

 King of the rocks
 Woo's expression explains clearly how she felt about fishing this night.
Happy fishing boy.
 Family fishing time.
 Sparky fished a little bit, but he was more interested in examining the water life up close. Plus, he and Doug had already gotten up early that morning to go fishing, so he was good.
I love my goofy kid. He certainly does not lack in personality.

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